Dental Services

Dental Health
in the white mountains

Good oral hygiene, which includes daily flossing and brushing is the best way to prevent cavities, pain and other dental problems like gum disease.

What Is True Health?

Having good dental health is often overlooked as one of the easiest ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Our experienced staff at Adobe Hills Dental has received extensive training on how to help our patients be healthy through easy, preventative, oral-care measures that end up requiring less dentistry throughout their lives. We are passionate about helping our friends, family, and neighbors achieve true health.


Regular dental exams and cleanings, coupled with your daily brushing and flossing, play a key role in preventing cavities, pain, or other oral issues.  At Adobe Hills Dental, we provide dental services and appliances to help keep your mouth healthy and safe.

preventing future problems

Do you regularly have cavities or notice recession of your gums around your teeth? Do your teeth keep breaking, fracturing, chipping, or becoming infected? Are you worried that your diet may be impacting the health of your teeth?


At Adobe Hills Dental we care more about your future than your present. We want what is best for your dental health and hope that you do too. It is recommended that you visit us every six months for a thorough dental exam and cleaning. This twice a year appointment is crucial in preventing future dental problems and provide you with a path toward healthy living.

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